Are Introverts Self-Centered? Who Is a Self-Centered Person? A self-centered person focuses primarily on their own needs, desires, and experiences. They often disregard others’ perspectives and can exhibit behaviors that prioritize their well-being over others. Self-centeredness can lead to a lack of empathy and difficulty in forming meaningful relationships. Why Are People Self-Centered? Self-centeredness can stem from various factors including upbringing, personality, and life experiences. It may develop as a defense mechanism in response to feeling neglected or undervalued. In some cases, self-centered behavior can be a sign of underlying issues such as insecurity or fear of vulnerability. What Is the Mentality of an Introvert? An introvert’s mentality is often characterized by introspection and a preference for solitary activities. Introverts recharge by spending time alone and tend to process their thoughts and feelings internally. They value dee...